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Chew The Cud

Complete our 5 minute pre-season checklist.

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Start Talking Now

Chew The Cud

Complete our 5 minute pre-season checklist.

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February is the time to talk

A new annual intuitive brought to you by NZ Dairy Careers to support and promote conversations between dairy employees and employers preparing for next season. Every year Gypsy Week dominates the new dairy season and costs time and money but now we're making it easier to start talking sooner. Chew The Cud Week will officially run throughout a full week in February every year and in 2021 we will be holding the 3rd Chew The Cud Week from Feb 8 - 14.

  • Our Vision

    To get dairy employees and employers collectively talking about the upcoming season at the same time each year so both parties can be organised and settled when Gypsy Week arrives

  • Our Mission

    To make the first week of February the official time to have that conversation about planning for the next dairy season so everyone can be aware of where you will be and who you will have on board. We want to help facilitate this process of recruitment and retention

  • How to Chew The Cud

    Having the chat about next season can be put off because employees and employers often don't know where to start. But we're here to get the ball rolling and It's as simple as saying, "Let's do some planning before next season", or, "Have you had a think about next season yet"?

Awesome Image
Awesome Image

Complete our Chew the Cud pre-season checklist.

It should take no longer than 5 minutes to work through.

It's easy to start

We always say February is the time to start the conversation about who's on board for next season

NZ Dairy Careers can help farmers with their Chew The Cud Week conversations and could help you see the following results.

Conversation Improvement
Contact Us

Why should I start talking?

Communication is critical to creating a strong team. Good communication is essentially ensuring people are able to express what they are thinking and having others hear and understand what they have said. A well-recognised model for giving feedback is the “I like… I would like” model. This starts out with the statement “I like…” and commends the person for things they are doing well. Using positive introductions makes people less defensive and more receptive toward change. NZ dairy careers Retention Programme is designed to develop mentoring relationships across the dairy supply chain.

Ask Questions, Get Answers

Open communication is essential for any business to be productive. It helps set expectations and coordinate actions plus builds trust and a sense of being a part of the team.

Understand Your People

Sometimes what you perceive as ineffective team work may be the result of misunderstanding a person with another personality, learning or work style.